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5 Most Common Running Injuries


What are the most common running injuries? According to a 2012 study by Dias Lopes, the 5 most common running injuries were:

- Medial tibial stress syndrome - commonly referred to as Shin splints

- Achilles tendinopathy

- Patellofemmoral pain

- Illiotibial band syndrome

Follow this link to find our more about the study:

How do we manage these Injuries?

Many of these injuries can be managed through appropriate physiotherapy assessment and management. However, are unlikely to go away with simple massage alone.

Often returning to Running requires:

  1. Management of symptoms, allowing the injury to settle

  2. Rehabilitation, to restore tissue function and the ability of the area to accept load

  3. A guided return to run program, helping you and your injury to build tolerance to running again.

Returning to running - how soon?

Returning too quickly, before your injury has fully recovered or without optimal rehabilitation can often lead to re-injury or different injuries. Make sure you're not that person and get appropriate advice on how to return to running.

We know runners want to run...

Struggling with any of these injuries - all of Extra Mile Health Physios are runners and experts in running injuries. Returning runners to run is what we are passionate about.



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